Class Attendance

学生被认为参加了他/她注册的所有课程. 无论缺课原因如何,学生都要对课程作业负责.

Class Standing


  • Freshman, those students who have fewer than 30-semester credits
  • Sophomore, those with 30 to 59 credits
  • Junior, those with 60 to 89 credits, and 120 cumulative grade points
  • Senior, those with 90 or more credits and 180 cumulative grade points
  • Post-Baccalaureate, those who have earned a baccalaureate degree, and are pursuing a second degree, advanced licensure or certification
  • 研究生, those who have earned a baccalaureate degree, and have been accepted into one of the graduate programs

Auditing a Course

审核的目的是让学生有机会体验一个特定的学科,以努力做出未来的学位/项目决定. Audited courses do not satisfy prerequisites for other courses. 只有获得的学分可以计入学位/课程要求或先决条件的履行. 学生可以注册任何课程,但无需学分,但须在注册时声明该意向. 学生可以在不迟于添加课程的最后一天将学分课程更改为审计课程. Admittance is contingent upon available space in the class. Audits may change to regular registration by paying the regular tuition, 使用标准的注册变更程序,并在最后一天的截止日期前添加课程.

Students electing to audit a Warner Pacific course must attend/participate (in) 75% of the classes for the audit to appear on the transcript; if the required attendance/participation level is not reached, the audit will be removed from the transcript, but no fees will be refunded.


Grading and Grade Points

教师 measures the quality of academic work through letter grades, which equate to numerical point values, creating a “grade point average.字母等级可以通过使用加号(+)和减号(-)修饰符来调整. Beyond completion of reading, 写作, performance or lab assignments and class participation, the following statements broadly suggest the meaning of the letter grades. 教师可以根据其课程的特殊性将这些陈述置于语境中.

Letter Grade Definitions:

A = superior performance (4 grade points). 学生的工作通过制定新知识或对现有知识的独特评估而超过课程学习成果, upholding the highest standards of scholarship, exhibiting unusual creativity, and/or including profound application to personal experience.

B = very good performance (3 grade points). 学生的工作符合所有课程的学习成果,表现出对主题的透彻理解, employing competent scholarship, contributing well-reasoned conclusions and syntheses on course subjects, and/or reflecting on implications for personal perspectives.

C = satisfactory performance (2 grade points). 学生的作业通过对主题的可接受的理解和相对较少的推理错误来满足课程的大部分学习成果, demonstrating adequate awareness of scholarly expectations, and/or applying the subject of the course to personal experience.

D = inferior performance (1 grade point). 学生的作业不符合课程的一些学习成果,显示出对主题的理解存在重大差距, lack of consistent use of scholarly conventions, and/or little personal application.

F = unacceptable performance (0 grade points). 学生的作业未能达到课程的学习成果,表现出对主题的理解不足, poor use of scholarly conventions, and/or inability to connect the subject matter to personal experience.

P/NP = Pass/No Pass
I = Incomplete
IP = In Progress
R = 注册商 received no grade
X = No Basis for Grade


Incomplete Grades

只有当学生满足以下条件时,才可以给出不完整(“I”):1)在申请日期之前令人满意地完成了所有课程作业,至少获得了2分.0 GPA in the assigned work for the course, 2)由于学生无法控制的因素而无法完成其他要求. 只有将填妥并获批准的“不完整申请表”提交档案室后,“I”方可获批. Incompletes must be filed before finals begin. An Incomplete taken in the fall semester must be completed by the end of the following spring semester; an Incomplete taken in the spring or summer semester must be completed by the end of the following fall semester. If the incomplete work is not completed within the stated time frame, the 注册商 will automatically change the “I” to an “F.”

In Progress Grades

In Progress (“IP”) is offered only for research or thesis courses, 实习, 学习之旅, Independent Study, and summer semester courses. In order to issue an “IP” grade, 注册主任必须收到由学生和教师签署的完成工作的合同. An In Progress taken in the fall semester must be completed by the end of the following spring semester; an In Progress taken in the spring or summer semester must be completed by the end of the following fall semester. If the in-progress work is not completed within the stated time frame, the 注册商 will automatically change the “IP” to an “F.“未经学术政策委员会批准,延期不得超过规定的期限.

Pass/No Pass Policy

外围博彩平台的课程可以根据以下规定获得Pass/No Pass (P/NP):

  • 要获得“P”,学生必须以至少相当于“C”的字母成绩完成课程的要求.
  • No more than a total of 12 credits, 每学期(实习和学生教学除外)可修读不超过6个学分的P/NP课程以申请毕业.
  • Courses in the student’s major or minor may not be P/NP.
  • P/NP不能修的其他课程包括CLS 101、EN 101、EN 200和BI 151. (任何例外情况必须由开设该课程的部门批准.)
  • 在课程中选择P/NP选项的学生必须填写P/NP表格. 此表格必须在课程第十周的星期五之前填好并存档于记录办公室. (This form is available in the Records Office.)
  • 一旦选择了P/NP选项,就不可能在以后的日期要求字母成绩.
  • 上述政策的任何例外情况必须得到学术政策委员会的批准.


Once recorded, a到F的成绩只有在文书或计算错误的情况下才能更改. 学生有责任在发布成绩后的一个学期内将成绩中的任何错误告知导师. The instructor will submit the grade change to the 注册商. 分配分数的教师应参与任何有关分数变更的申诉程序.

As required by 第九条 and 34 CFR §106.9, 外围博彩平台在其教育项目和活动中不存在性别歧视.